Life is too short to be busy

2 min readDec 10, 2020

“Life is too short to be busy” I am sure this is a quote, but I am not totally sure who said it first. Regardless this statement holds true. It sounds a bit contradictory, but let me explain.

There is a constant feeling among many human beings that if we are not busy then we are not being productive. We feel that we should constantly be busy. People will tell you “I’m to busy to exercise” “I’m too busy to make dinner” “I’m too busy to meditate” “I’m too busy to go to your birthday party.” We have our priorities wrong as a species. We feel that we must always be busy doing something, anything. This mindset is problematic.

Just because you are busy doesn’t mean you are accomplishing anything. I could be busy counting sand or sweeping the dirt outside, but that’s not productive is it? Does it get me any closer to where I want to be in life? No. As a species we need to get rid of the idea that we must always be busy.

We need to prioritize the things that are truly important in life. The things that fulfill us and build the life we want for ourselves. Outside of that it is just a waste to be busy. Life is short. It’s in our best interest to enjoy it and make the most out of it.

I am not suggesting that we waste our time and clear our calendars to avoid being busy. We should get rid of the idea that we need to be busy though.

Do what matters for your future and then enjoy the life you have in the present. Don’t make busy work for yourself. Slow down.

“Life is too short to be busy.”

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I refuse to settle for a life lived in mediocrity. I am passionate about personal dev., psychology, health, and wellness. Check out