Life is tough, but you’re tougher

2 min readAug 10, 2020

Have you ever had one of those days where you just didn’t feel like doing a damn thing?

I certainly have and let me just tell you from experience. They suck. But, they only suck if you let the feelings of tiredness or fatigue get the best of you.

On days when things suck there is a great opportunity in front of you. Push through it. Do the things you need to do for the day. Do your workout, finish the assignment, complete the report, follow though with your daily habits. If you can push through and complete the things you are dreading then they no longer have power over you.

Even when you’re not feeling like it you can still complete the task. Nothing can stop you. You will feel proud of yourself and your mood and energy levels will improve. It’s about becoming disciplined so that everything else in your life is easy.

If you can push through and still do the workout even when you feel a little sore or sick you know you can crush the workouts on days when you are feeling great.

You beat fatigue today and the next time it comes knocking you’re more prepared, tougher, more determined.

Nothing can stop you.

You live your life in excellence no matter how you feel that day, no matter what stands in your way, you are going to overcome it.




I refuse to settle for a life lived in mediocrity. I am passionate about personal dev., psychology, health, and wellness. Check out